Why should YOU, a local Fort Lauderdale business owner,
become an ad sponsor of these official neighborhood newsmagazines?
These premier Fort Lauderdale neighborhoods are home to THE most affluent homeowners and residents
with THE most discretionary income and buying power in all of Fort Lauderdale!
Mailed to EVERY home and residence in the neighborhood, reaching your nearby local target audience
for a FRACTION of the cost of direct mail or larger commercial magazines!
As the OFFICIAL neighborhood publication, it’s read by virtually EVERYONE in the neighborhood!
Your ad WILL be seen thousands of times each issue by the upscale prospective customers you want to see it.
Pride. Profit. Promotion. Protection. Position. Branding. Neighborhood Appreciation..and more!
Showcasing YOUR business to Fort Lauderdale’s highest-profile and most affluent homeowners and residents
as a SPONSOR of their official neighborhood magazine is one of the most EFFECTIVE ways to connect with them!
For more detailed information or to check on ad space availability, please contact us at
954.828.1337 or publisher@fortlauderdalemedia.com.
On behalf of each of the neighborhood associations shown above,
Thank You! for your participation and support!
THINK LOCAL! It’s where your business lives!
published in association with and on behalf of the neighborhood associations shown above by